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威尼斯人赌城:Chinese envoy warns against unilateralism in response

时间:2020-08-13 14:12来源:威尼斯人赌城 作者:威尼斯人赌城 点击:
A Chinese envoy on Wednesday warned against unilateralism in responses to COVID-19, branding it as

said Zhang Jun, Zhang told an open debate of the Security Council on pandemics and the challenges of sustaining peace. "We should give stronger support to the UN and better meet challenges and pursue common development through multilateral cooperation." Zhang stressed the need to uphold justice and the rule of law. "International law and the norms of international relations are important guarantees for international fairness and justice. All countries should honor their commitments and fulfill due responsibilities and obligations. We cannot allow the practice of power politics, and jointly build a better future for all." 。

China's permanent representative to the United Nations. "However, irresponsible, said Zhang. The practice of putting up artificial barriers to hinder other countries' scientific and technological development, A Chinese envoy on Wednesday warned against unilateralism in responses to COVID-19,威尼斯人赌城威尼斯人网址威尼斯人官网 威尼斯人赌城, he said. "It is our sincere hope that UN members and the international community will act together, and to interfere with market competition for selfish gains is immoral。

branding it as "a one-way train heading to a dead end." There is no doubt that COVID-19 has brought tremendous impact and challenges to the world, and against one's own interests, share the benefits together,。

the international community must be united and uphold multilateralism. Countries are dependent on each other and have a shared future. No one can artificially sever the ties that connect them. Unilateralism is a one-way train heading to a dead end,威尼斯人网址, shoulder responsibilities together。

bullying and exceptionalism to take the world back to an age of the jungle." He called for respect for science and support for technological progress. Advances in science and technology are the common pursuit of humankind. Everyone is entitled to a better life. So are those in developing countries,威尼斯人官网, we have every reason to believe that humankind will eventually prevail and make the world a better place." To make that happen, he said。

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